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Monday, 6 April 2015
Healing with Heulandite
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Life is Precious.
Sunday, 16 November 2014
Tarot Workshop
Wednesday, 12 November 2014
Tarot Workshop for 2014
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
A gentle way to die

Is there a gentle way to die? I don’t think there is anyone how wouldn’t prefer to just go sleep and not wake up. But that rarely happens. As you read this blog many people in the world have just died. Many of those left behind will wonder if they could have done more to help their loved ones.
The word ‘death’ terrifies even the strongest person. And often, when that issue needs to be faced, the ones who could offer the most support tend to hide away or give false platitudes such as ‘when you get better we can do such and such’, or ‘you can beat this, come on’. It is not their fault, they have no other way of expressing their terror, so they either say nothing or what they think the person wants to hear.
Death is a part of living. It’s a sad fact of life and no one is safe from it. So how can you help a loved one or friend die gently, surrounded by peace and love? If the person is in a hospice, check first if you can burn some incense such as Camomile, Rose or lavender. These all work on calming the emotions. The senses are the last things to leave a dying person,so they will gain huge benefits from the experience you give them. Essential oils are said to represent the inner soul of the plants and fruit that they come from, their healing/soothing ability on the human psyche is breath taking. It is said the left nostril for inhalation is positive energy and the right negative. So pay that in mind when you place the scented burner.
Crystals have been used for more than 10,000 years for healing because they have an ability to link with the human body and bring harmony. Even to a body that has dis-ease. A gem exlixer in spray form can be spritzed into the room, adding a soothing energy to a sometimes painful one. Add a few drops of essential oil and you have made a theraputic room spray.
Gentle foot, arm or hand massages with essential oils, are all lovely ways to comfort a person who is dying. If they can’t tolerate being touched, for whatever reason, lightly stroking down their arms, legs or forehead with a feather is also good as it still gives them that human connection. Play some beautiful music, read them passages from books and if you know how to use a singing bowl, the tones can be very soothing to the psyche.
When the physical body begins to succumb there is a huge energy shift in the room that is tangible to anyone. This is the time you can most help the person on their new journey. Make their room tranquil. Bright lights hurt the eyes of those who are failing, so a lamp with an orange bulb is better at this stage. It is important to now remove any sensory stimulation, such as flowers, incense or music. Light a small white candle. You can sooth the person, even if they are unconscious, by softly talking to them, reading a passage of poetry or saying everything is fine, they have nothing to fear, it is okay to let go.
As death becomes imminent, powerful forces are at work. The spirit goes to a place of unconditional love, where they can sort out unfinished business or review past events of their life. They are beginning an epic journey and a powerful expansion into awareness as they take the final step into the light. When the last breath is released a chill might be felt in the room as the spirit of the person departs. This can sometimes linger for days, so if this room is in your home, you will need to cleanse the room and release the stale energy it is holding onto.
To be with someone who is dying is immensely draining for the person left behind. There is often a deep feeling of hollowness and fatigue. It is now time to honour your own needs and reclaim your energy. Sleep, eat well and go out into the sunlight and fresh air to revitalise your spirit. Don’t hide the fact that you feel under the weather and acknowledge that you might feel the need to withdraw from people for a short time. In helping someone to die gently, you have given the greatest part of yourself to them. For you became the person who lit their pathway and held the map that guided them home. Now you need to rejoin life again.
Many people have their own rituals when it comes to grieving, but mostly it is a time for reflection, forgiveness to give yourself permission to let the person go. It doesn’t mean you will ever forget them, it just means you are allowing yourself to move forward with your life.
From even the darkest night, there will always be a golden dawn.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Spiritual Connections.

Every one, when they first start working with spirit, feels that what they are hearing is just their own thoughts and nothing to do with their intuition or spirit guides. Because we are dealing with a force that can’t always be seen, we almost demand to be shown concrete proof that what we are getting is from spirit. But that will never happen. The information is there to be tapped into, but we have to meet those in spirit half way. We can’t expect them to do all the work.
Living in the physical world we think in physical terms. This makes it very hard to fight our own negativity and doubts. But there is a way to overcome this. Simply, believe in yourself. Recognise that our thoughts are part of a spiritual plan. Most of us don’t have a clue how the brain works, but it doesn’t stop us from using it. Anything that appears to be outside our normal experience, we immediately make it safe by dismissing it as part of our imagination. But what is the imagination? Is it unreal - just a thought process to be dismissed so casually?
Think about it. Without our thought process we couldn’t breathe, eat or drink. It’s the core of our being and the basis of everything we do. Thought can create wonderful works of art, but with every yin, there is a yang. Thought can also cause world wars. So now you see why thoughts must never be dismissed. Thought is a tool to communicate with other thinking energies?
Spirit guides need to use the same thought processes that we will understand, and the gateways for them to use are our imaginations. That’s why it is a good idea to watch lots of documentaries, programs that cram your mind full of information. A spirit guide will pull snippets of information from your mind to communicate with you. But there needs to be information there to use. As trust in the imagination increases, thoughts become tangible. Believing what the imagination tells you is the starting point from fanciful ideas, to actuality. When we merge our imagination and our spiritual perception, there’s no longer any fear of the unknown.
So now I hear you ask, "How do I know the thoughts are from a guide and not my own mind?" Unfortunately there’s no easy answer to this question because everyone works differently. I always tell people when I’m teaching, if thoughts pop into your mind, without any prompting, that’s the first indication that you’re beginning to recognise spiritual influences.
Progression on the spiritual path includes progression on your physical journey as well. In fact, as spiritual awareness increases, you’ll start to change the way you live your physical life. This enables you to then continue along the pathway you’ve decided to tread. I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but then nothing in life is. If it were, you’d never appreciate your achievements. Good luck with your journey, it’s one you will never regret undertaking.
Tuesday, 13 December 2011
The otherside of Christmas.

It’s coming up to Christmas and for some people it isn’t all sleigh bells and laughter. For some, this seasonal time of the year brings sadness. It's an unfortunate truth that negativity impacts our life more than anything else. This is because it arrives highly charged with various other emotions pushing it along.
Negativity brings anger, despair, grief and more, which wipes out any positivity that might be trying to break through. The damaging effect from this type of emotion ripples out like that of a lake that you have thrown a pebble into. It affects everyone around you. The mind is a powerful tool, but when it turns against you it can become a formidable adversary.
So how can you change this darkness around you? Do something that lightens your mood. I know you won’t feel like it, and I'm not trying to sound patronising here, but even something small can make a huge impact on how you're feeling. This way you are turning your mind away from the negative influences of your thoughts. Try not to speak to people who are in the same frame of mind as you. Negative people will only make you feel worse. For now, stick with people who are more upbeat.
Have you ever thought about helping others? Don’t be on your own Christmas day. A lot of charities are crying out for help. Crisis badly need volunteers christmas day. Help someone else, even if you feel that you can’t always help yourself.
It’s hard to feel thankful when you’re so down, but find one thing that you are really grateful for and concentrate on that. Don’t suffer alone. Talk to understanding friends and family about how you feel.
Understand that nobody is perfect. We all have flaws that from time to time hold us back or interfere in our lives. Mrs Jones, who lives next door, may have a wonderful house, but is she really happy? There are things that we say to ourselves that are harmful and stay locked inside us for a long time. Treat yourself as you would treat others. Think before you think!
Last of all remember, there are agencies that can help you if you have no friends or family to talk to and if you live in the UK.
Turn to me
Support line.
You’re not alone. Remember that.
Christmas is a state of mind. To find peace and hold it in your heart, to give mercy and mean it, all these are the real spirit of Christmas.
Have a very merry Christmas and a joyous New year. xx Margaret West