Through years of neglect, improper nutrition, air/water/food pollutants and daily stress mismanagement we have basically become walking septic systems. That sounds harsh, but think about it. Our inner world is being polluted all the time. Between the polluted air we breathe, the pesticide laden food we eat and the chemically treated water that we drink, our bodies slowly build up momentum that causes internal eruptions. Our physical body has stress points, much like our planet. And although as an individual we can't clean the world, we can save our inner world.
The first step is to cleaning out all the toxins using Herbs, Vitamins, fasts, colonic flushes, diet and water consumption, to name but a few. The choice is yours – but please make sure that you are educated in your choice and if not, seek a qualified professionals advice.
Next you need to repair the physical damage. There are plenty of natural products that can help our bodies. Find out what foods contain the necessary vitamins, minerals, nutrients, trace minerals, enzymes and photochemical that the body need to function properly. If you choose to use herbs, tinctures are usually the best way to go as they are absorbed through the blood vessels under the tongue. Again, it is very important that you are well informed and get the help of a qualified professional, as there are tests that can be done to find out just what your body is lacking or not producing. A practitioner with 'user experience' is a necessity.
When we live the Spiritual way, we learn to listen to our bodies and Guides. We also learn to understand the signals, ie, aches and pains. So we can heal from a higher vibrational level. It is very possible to recreate and reprogram the diseased patterns of the body.
I also believe that every herb and plant was put here for our benefit and since we are the ones who are destroying our bodies, then we should have a hand in restoring and healing them. This holds true on all levels of healing. To quote an old cliché..."God helps those who help themselves." Never a truer word.
Meditating also helps the body. Go here.
The drums are shamanic and work on the theta brainwaves. Just as your physical body needs healing, so does your spiritual.