What we do

Connections With Spirit is owned by Margaret West, a lady of many talents. You can find her website here At Connections with spirit, we offer you training in many different practitioner courses and also many other metaphysical studies. The workshops are designed to not only enlighten you, but also to financially help those she considers are voiceless, with profits from the workshops. Margaret works full time as an alternative Therapist, and this she considers is her income to pay the bills. Profit from the workshops, after paying the facilitators etc, is donated. The prices for our workshops are reasonable and competitive, and we like to think that we give each one our personal touch of beauty and laughter. Cake is always on offer at lunchtimes, as we feel no one should learn without a good slice of cake to fortify them!! We use a few facilitators, who are excellent in their field, but mainly Margaret does all the teaching. So you can be assured that the quality of our courses are always top notch.We also have stalls at the workshops where you can buy beautiful jewellery and Holistic Crystal pendants, which Margaret makes herself. Each pendant is an active crystal that will help with various conditions of the mind, body and spirit.Emma King is Connections with spirit's event manager, events organiser and Personal Assistant to Margaret West. She will be your main port of call for any questions you have or booking details that you may need for any workshops or development circles. Please do add Emma Reiki King and Margaret West to your facebook/twitter friends list to keep up to date with all the workshops and news. We promise not to bother you unless you contact us first for information. Emma's email is connectionswithspiritworkshops(at)hotmail(dot)comWe like to be interactive with students and people, so do feel free to leave any feedback about circles or workshops you have attended. Or just pop by and say hello or ask a question. We will always try to reply promptly.

Thursday, 2 September 2010

A spirit guides message about losing someone.

The Dearly Departed

"The loss of a loved one leaves many in physical isolated and alone. Depression may result from these feelings, which can broaden the perceived emptiness. It is important to maintain the knowledge that there is continuance. Your loved ones do indeed know that you grieve. It can be difficult for them because they still have complete awareness of you while those left in physical feel the door has been closed forever.

Know that the entrance to the spirit world is effortless once the body is discarded. A great feeling of emancipation accompanies many crossings from a body that is no longer functional + confining. Every experience is unique unto that particular energy, so there is no standard to the definition.

'Does he/she know that I miss him/her?' Yes and the intention of his/her thoughts are always to send you a message. Often he/she feels successful but there are moments when he/she senses that the opportunity was not embraced and the moment missed.

We suggest that if you have lost a loved one that you still your grief as much as possible. The moment of connection is often brief since the loved can no longer manipulate physical environments the way they did before. The ascent into spirit heightens the senses of the departed encouraging them to seek out opportunities of connection. It may take linear time for them to figure out how their new spirit 'reality' works.

Be patient.

Be still.

Pay attention to the small moments. They are often filled with messages from the departed that are more subtle than one would expect. In the beginning it may be more difficult for them because they are in the process of remembering what it means to be nonphysical. It is a more fluid environment and communication skills may be altered from what they previously knew.

The first moments might be a mere whisper in the wind that will crescendo into a cascade of communication.

Be patient.

Pay attention.

The dearly departed are whispering. They are still dear and close to you. It's just that they are now of spirit.

Pay attention.

Set aside your grief and know they are still there. Feel their love + their messages.

Look around for they are indeed everywhere."