This language is unique to the subconscious mind during sleep each night. Dreams express our feelings and emotions through pictures, symbols, expressions, slang, metaphors, etc. Some people say they never dream, but in fact everyone dreams, whether they are remembered or not. All information from our waking experiences is stored in the subconscious mind and used to relay our problems, conflicts, desires, and any other situation that needs to be dealt with, resolved, or at the very least filed away for later perusal. Just as life presents us with situations that we must deal with, dreams also present us with situations that we must face in one way or another. They can be forgotten or even ignored, but the fact of the matter is they have a nagging way of getting to the heart of things whether we want to face them or not. Recurring dreams and recurring themes is the subconscious mind’s way of signalling to us that something needs our attention.
For the most part, dreams are played out in a picture language that is capable of condensing a vast amount of information into a single picture or even a short “movie” that gets dramatized for us during sleep. These complex images can sometimes make perfect sense inside the dream, but once we awaken the information quickly gets jumbled, and we end up not giving it too much thought and they are quickly forgotten. However, you can learn how to pay attention and most importantly, learn how to interpret them. Keeping a dream journal and learning dream interpretation techniques will start you on your way to discovering the importance and meanings of your nightly excursions.
Most dreams are packed with significant meaning and are certainly worth the effort of figuring out what they are. Some are unimportant, but that is up to the individual to decide. In the paranormal realm, dreams fall into categories of ESP, psychic, precognitive, conscious, spiritual, lucid dreams. Popular dreams that fall under these categories are visits from the deceased, and those that are problem-solving.
Not paying attention to your dreams is equivalent to going to the movies and not paying attention to the screen in front of you. This means that you miss out on an opportunity to learn something new. However boring or strange it may seem, every dream can be an opportunity for learning if you pay enough attention to its message. It is also noteworthy to remember that if you miss the opportunity to get to know yourself better, it won’t come around again in a hurry.
For the most part, dreams are played out in a picture language that is capable of condensing a vast amount of information into a single picture or even a short “movie” that gets dramatized for us during sleep. These complex images can sometimes make perfect sense inside the dream, but once we awaken the information quickly gets jumbled, and we end up not giving it too much thought and they are quickly forgotten. However, you can learn how to pay attention and most importantly, learn how to interpret them. Keeping a dream journal and learning dream interpretation techniques will start you on your way to discovering the importance and meanings of your nightly excursions.
Most dreams are packed with significant meaning and are certainly worth the effort of figuring out what they are. Some are unimportant, but that is up to the individual to decide. In the paranormal realm, dreams fall into categories of ESP, psychic, precognitive, conscious, spiritual, lucid dreams. Popular dreams that fall under these categories are visits from the deceased, and those that are problem-solving.
Not paying attention to your dreams is equivalent to going to the movies and not paying attention to the screen in front of you. This means that you miss out on an opportunity to learn something new. However boring or strange it may seem, every dream can be an opportunity for learning if you pay enough attention to its message. It is also noteworthy to remember that if you miss the opportunity to get to know yourself better, it won’t come around again in a hurry.