What we do

Connections With Spirit is owned by Margaret West, a lady of many talents. You can find her website here At Connections with spirit, we offer you training in many different practitioner courses and also many other metaphysical studies. The workshops are designed to not only enlighten you, but also to financially help those she considers are voiceless, with profits from the workshops. Margaret works full time as an alternative Therapist, and this she considers is her income to pay the bills. Profit from the workshops, after paying the facilitators etc, is donated. The prices for our workshops are reasonable and competitive, and we like to think that we give each one our personal touch of beauty and laughter. Cake is always on offer at lunchtimes, as we feel no one should learn without a good slice of cake to fortify them!! We use a few facilitators, who are excellent in their field, but mainly Margaret does all the teaching. So you can be assured that the quality of our courses are always top notch.We also have stalls at the workshops where you can buy beautiful jewellery and Holistic Crystal pendants, which Margaret makes herself. Each pendant is an active crystal that will help with various conditions of the mind, body and spirit.Emma King is Connections with spirit's event manager, events organiser and Personal Assistant to Margaret West. She will be your main port of call for any questions you have or booking details that you may need for any workshops or development circles. Please do add Emma Reiki King and Margaret West to your facebook/twitter friends list to keep up to date with all the workshops and news. We promise not to bother you unless you contact us first for information. Emma's email is connectionswithspiritworkshops(at)hotmail(dot)comWe like to be interactive with students and people, so do feel free to leave any feedback about circles or workshops you have attended. Or just pop by and say hello or ask a question. We will always try to reply promptly.

Monday, 10 May 2010

1. Claircognizant:

You may be Claircognizant or intuitive and have an inner knowing about things. The information, idea, concept or thought "just comes to you" and has the feeling of "this is important". The knowledge you receive often flashes suddenly into your mind seemingly "out of no where". You may know who is on the phone before you answer it or know personal things about people you just met. You just know something, although you may not know why or how you know it.

2. Clairaudient:

You may be clairaudient and psychically hear sounds, words, sentences, thoughts, tones, music, bells, chimes, ringing, whooshing, buzzing, white noise sounds, songs, and other types of sounds or noises that "pop into your head". You may hear conversations as you fall asleep or wake up between people you may not see. These sounds and words are inaudible to the normal hearing range and most often seem to come from within your head or "out of nowhere".

3. Clairvoyant:

You may also be clairvoyant and see pictures flash in your mind's inner third eye as in-sights. These pictures come as a clear vision or they may be nebulous forms hidden in a cloudy substance. What you see may appear to be superimposed upon a solid object that's in front of you when your eyes are open or you may see the vision within your forehead when your eyes are closed. When the image is of a psychic origin and you aren't thinking it up yourself, the image is seen first and then thought about. It is usually not thought up and then seen.

You may psychically see a person, scene, object, lights, words, colours, auras, symbols, past lives, loved ones in spirit, visions of the past, present or future, and people or places in other spiritual dimensions. These pictures may appear as if you are viewing still photographs or they may be moving like a home movie. You may even feel you are actually in the scene you are seeing.

4. Clairsentient:

You may also be clairsentient and perceive information through a sensation within your physical body. You may get a "gut feeling" in your stomach of what to do or say. You may also get a "gut feeling" of what not to say or do. You may even sense the body aches and ill health of someone else not in the room in specific parts of your own physical body. You may also feel the emotions or personality of another person whom you do not know personally or who is not in the room. You may sense the presence of deceased relatives, guides, and angels.

5. Clairgustant:

You may be clairgustant and psychically taste a substance, liquid or food without actually putting anything in your mouth.

6. Clairiscentrist:

You may also be Clairiscentrist and psychically smell fragrances, flowers, perfume or other odours such as tobacco or alcohol even when a substance or food is not in your immediate surroundings.