This is the first part in a series exploring these very unique children.
So what are Crystal Children I hear you ask? These Crystal Children very powerful children first appeared in 2000. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and bring a powerful force for love and peace on the planet. You will recognise a Crystal Child by their large penetrating eyes. To look into them is like looking into ancient eyes. They have opalescent auras, with beautiful multi-colours in pastel hues. This generation also shows a fascination for crystals and rocks. They point the way for humanity... and it’s a good direction! Many are deemed backward as they often have delayed speech, but the parents don’t have a problem communicating with their quiet children. Philosophical and spiritually gifted all Crystal Children display an unprecedented level of kindness and sensitivity to this world.
So now comes the technical part. The children are born on the Sixth Dimension of Consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the Ninth Dimensional level of Full Christ Consciousness, and then from there to the Thirteenth Dimension which represents Universal Consciousness. They exist on the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution. Because of this they are gifted. Many being creative with light and sound. Those who carry the Indigo-Silver Ray, are gifted as the "mothers" of the planet, and carry the feminine vibration of healing and nurturing. Those born on the Red-Gold Ray, carry the masculine vibration of manifestation and are often the leaders in the more active sense.
These unique children of the future will be known as a Rainbow Crystal being. This is the fully developed Thirteen Dimensional Universal Human Being, able to carry and transmit all the Rays of Incarnation and Evolution within their vibrational field. The Rainbow Crystal children are few and have yet to open into their full potential. By just by being here they assist others open up to their full potential. Be assured that Crystal children are an integral and dynamic part of the evolutionary leap into a new and Golden future.
Hi Margaret,
ReplyDeleteThe article above is sooo interesting. I work with children and would love to think that one of them could be eithe a crystal or rainbow child! I have been told that one of the children is from the Angelic realms; is this the same thing. This child has problems with speech, had hearing problems; but he does not seem as sensitive as the above children. I do sometimes think, if this child is from the Angelic realms what would a 'devel' child be like!! Nice to be in touch with you and hope you are well. Audrey x
Hello audrey. Yes an angel child could be a crystal child. They usually have blue eyes though. I think all children have a bit of the devil in them lol You can tell if the child is a crystal child by the feeling you get when you are near him/her. Its usually calming and he/she will have a close connection with its parents. (more than the average child). It is so nice to meet you.
ReplyDeleteYour article was very interesting. I've always heard them called "star children". I've always been a big fan of crystals. I own the crystal bible and carry my own bag of crystals in my pocket/purse for my own health and well-being. I also create crystal bags for those around me based on their needs. I do Reiki as well and sometimes that's how I determine what crystals they need along with their desires (love, etc.). Your books sound very interesting and I just may have to pick up the crystal angels one. Please keep me posted on the release of it. Best wishes!